August 2, 2019
Sponsored by the Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture as a part of their project “Power: Infrastructure in America,” “Public Works for a Green New Deal” assembles a series of courses from across programs at GSAPP to consider the social, technical, and political contours of the ambitious—but still largely undefined—proposal known as the Green New Deal (GND). “Public Works” is one of several initiatives at the Buell Center related to the GND; for more information visit the POWER project website.
Courses for “Public Works” have been adapted to address the GND proposal directly, with all design studio sites being U.S.-based and all briefs responding directly to the text of the Green New Deal resolution. The courses also respond, in various ways, to the call for imagination in Kate Aronoff’s recent article, “With a Green New Deal, Here’s What the World Could Look Like for the Next Generation” (originally written for the Intercept and since republished on the POWER website). All participating students and faculty will attend the “Designing a Green New Deal” event at the University of Pennsylvania on September 13th, for which the Buell Center is a co-sponsor, and a follow-up event at GSAPP on September 27th.