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URBAN Magazine

URBAN is a magazine created, edited, and published by students of Columbia University GSAPP’s Urban Planning Program. The publication features writing, interviews, photo essays and graphics work related to urban planning and city life. While most contributors are in the Urban Planning department, students from all disciplines are encouraged to submit work and have been featured in past issues.
Current Issue
Urban Magazine’s Volume 34 is now available in print and online. View here. Celebrating the publication’s 25th anniversary, this volume pairs excellent student and peer contributions alongside reflections from theorists and expert practitioners
Call for Submissions
For a quarter-of-a-century, Urban Magazine has provoked and inspired readers with questions that challenge our foundational assumptions about the built environment. A recent recipient of the Center for Architecture’s 2023 Douglas Haskell Award for Student Journals, URBAN accepts contributions from current GSAPP students, alumni, professors, faculty, and anyone else interested in sharing their work. Please stay tuned for the next call for submissions, which will be announced in Fall 2024.

Jaron Kaplan, Senior Content Editor
Steven Duncan, Senior Outreach Editor
Jane Cole, Senior Design Editor

If you have any questions, please contact urban.submissions@gmail.com