Mapping Malcolm
Edited by Najha Zigbi-Johnson
Into the Quiet and the Light: Water, Life, and Land Loss in South Louisiana
by Virginia Hanusik
Aeropolis: Queering Air in Toxicpolluted Worlds
by Nerea Calvillo
Deserts Are Not Empty
Edited by Samia Henni
Not What I Meant But Anyway
Revital Cohen and Tuur Van Balen
Art after Liberalism
by Nicholas Gamso
Preservation, Sustainability, and Equity
edited by Erica Avrami
Nights of the Dispossessed: Riots Unbound
edited by Natasha Ginwala, Gal Kirn, and Niloufar Tajeri
Paths to Prison: On the Architectures of Carcerality
edited by Isabelle Kirkham-Lewitt
Proxemics and the Architecture of Social Interaction
by Larry D. Busbea
Superpowers of Scale
by Andrés Jaque
Book Fair:
Press Play
12:00PM–7:00PM, December 7–8, 2024
Pioneer Works, Brooklyn
Book Fair:
Storefront Book Bash
12:00PM–6:00PM, December 14–15, 2024
Storefront for Art and Architecture, New York
Shameekia Shantel Johnson, “Charting a Better World Through Malcolm X’s New York,” Hyperallergic, September 17, 2024.
Michael Ando, “In Louisiana, a Photographer Charts Storms and Weather as Markers of Time,” Aperture, September 12, 2024.
Rachel Hunter Himes, “Malcolm was Here,” New York Review of Architecture vol 42, September 11, 2024.
Valerio Franzone x KoozArch, “The Many (Political) Lives of Air: Nerea Calvillo in conversation,” KoozArch, November 6, 2023.
Jaffer Kolb, “Nerea Calvillo’s Aeropolis: Queering Air in Toxicpolluted Worlds,” BOMB Magazine, June 1, 2023.
Ali Ismail Karimi, “Deserts Are Not Empty, edited by Samia Henni, explores the contested politics of supposedly empty terrain” The Architect’s Newspaper, April 6, 2023.
The Archival Exhibition: A Decade of Research at the Arthur Ross Architecture Gallery 2006–2016
by Mark Wasiuta
Blacked Out: The Design of Erasure in America
by V. Mitch McEwen
States of Emergency: A Spatial History of the French Colonial Continuum
by Léopold Lambert
Disembodied Territories
edited by Menna Agha and Sara Salem
“Why Publish? Reframing the Stakes of Student Publications” is an open source record and archive of a workshop our office held at the end of July 2022 dedicated to reconsidering the limits and possibilities attendant to printed work. Now available for reading and reference, Why Publish? offers students the space to join us in reconsidering publishing as a collective project with collective consequences.
Nicholas Gamso, “Reorienting Toward Each Other: A Conversation with Nitasha Dhillon and Amin Husain,” in Art After Liberalism (New York: Columbia Books on Architecture and the City, 2021).