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Francesco Benelli

Thu, Apr 13, 2023    6:30pm

How Modern Architectural Criticism was born. The Case of the Pantheon in the Renaissance

Please join us for a lecture by Francesco Benelli, the current Weinberg Fellow in Architectural History and Preservation at Columbia’s Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America.

Response by Mark Rakatansky.

Francesco Benelli (PhD, IUAV Venice), is an architectural historian specialized in Renaissance and Middle Ages, professor at Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, and currently Weinberg Fellow in Architectural History and Preservation. He published on several aspects of Architecture, theory and historiography and he is currently completing a book on Antonio da Sangallo the Younger’s studies on Vitruvius. He was the recipient of several fellowships including the Kunsthistorisches Institut of Florence, the Italian Academy, Columbia University and the Getty Research Institute. He is the director of the Serlio Digital Project (Avery Library, Columbia University) and has been the coordinator of the study group on palazzo Farnese at Caprarola. He taught permanently at Columbia University, and has been Visiting Professor at the Bartlett School of Architecture, London.

The general public must register in advance to confirm COVID-19 vaccination status in compliance with current Columbia University health requirements using this online form. For those unable to join us in-person, you can register to join the zoom here.

Organized as part of the Preservation Lecture Series, an initiative of the Historic Preservation Program at Columbia GSAPP, and the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America.