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The Library is Open 6: Wild Paper with Filipa Ramos

Mon, Feb 5, 2024    12:30pm

Filipa Ramos will present her recent project as part of the sixth iteration of The Library is Open at Columbia GSAPP.

Lisbon-born Filipa Ramos is a writer and curator with a PhD awarded from the School of Critical Studies at Kingston University, London. Her research, manifested in critical and theoretical texts, lectures, workshops and edited publications, focuses on how culture addresses ecology, attending to how contemporary art fosters relationships between nature and technology.

Ramos is curator of the Art Basel Film sector and a founding curator of the online artists’ cinema Vdrome. Ongoing and upcoming projects include BESTIARI, the Catalan representation at the 60th International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia (Spring 2024), Songs for the Changing Seasons the main exhibition of the 1st Vienna Climate Biennale (Spring 2024), and the arts, humanities and science festival The Shape of a Circle in the Mind of a Fish (since 2018, both with Lucia Pietroiusti). In 2022, she curated Persons Persone Personen, the 8th Biennale Gherdëina (with Lucia Pietroiusti). In 2021, she co-curated “Bodies of Water”, the 13th Shanghai Biennale (with Andrés Jaque, Lucia Pietroiusti, Marina Otero Verzier and Mi You), and co-curated the group exhibition “Feet of Clay” at Porto’s City Gallery (with Chus Martinez). Previously, she curated the large exhibition project “Animalesque”, at Bildmuseet Umeå, Sweden (Summer 2019) and BALTIC Gateshead (Winter 2020).

Ramos has extensive experience as an editor and publisher. She was Editor-in-Chief of e-flux criticism (2013-20), Associate Editor of Manifesta Journal (2009-11) and contributed for Documenta 13 (2012) and 14 (2017). She authored Lost and Found ( Silvana Editoriale, 2009) and edited Animals (Whitechapel Gallery/MIT Press, 2016). Her upcoming book, The Artist as Ecologist, will be published by Lund Humphries in 2024. She lectures extensively in the fields of contemporary art and ecology. She is Lecturer at the Master Programme of the Arts Institute of the Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Basel, where she leads the Art and Nature seminars and the institute’s special projects.

This event content is equivalent to 1 AIA/CES total learning credit. Please contact events@arch.columbia.edu for more information.

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