Mi Reuk Ahn (M.Arch)
Minjae Kim (M.Arch)
Muk-Seo-Ga_Korean Diaspora in Mexico
Meitha Saeed Al Mazrooei (CCCP)
Colonial Anxiety Repressed in Strawberry Tarts
Adelaida Albir (M.Arch)
Architecture of Fragmentation: Social Segregation in Bogotá, Colombia
Adede Amenyah (M.Arch)
21st Century Market: A Shopping Experience Like No Other
Kutay Biberoglu (M.Arch)
Jesse McCormick (M.Arch)
Warm Bodies: Improbable Domestication in the Infrastructural Arctic
Stephanie Chan (UP)
City Making in New Multi-Cultural Ethnic Enclaves: Documenting Contemporary Chinese Diasporas and Boundary Extensions of Barrio Chino in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Chang Cheng (AAD)
Trans-functioned housing in China: An anatomy of the hyper-diversified typologies in Shenzhen
Tonia Chi (HP, M.Arch)
Building Reciprocity: Knowledge Coalitions between Design Practitioners and Native American Communities
Betsy Daniel (AUD)
Donovan Dunkley (AUD)
Not Another Wall: Data Collection for a Resilient New Orleans
Arianna Deane (M.Arch)
Female Pioneers of Tropical Modernism: The architecture of Jane Drew and Minnette de Silva
Ban Edilbi (AUD)
Reclaiming Public Space: What would a gender-neutral public space look like?
Tyler Folino (RED)
Hong Kim (AAD)
The Social Housing Reality: An Urban Oasis or Urban Nightmare?
Maria Garces (UP)
Build-Back-Better: Santa Olga’s Reconstruction in the Face of Disaster
Christopher Gardner (AAD)
Khoi Nguyen (AAD)
Lonely Infrastructure: People, Production and Politics on the High Seas
Andres Infante Merheg (AAD)
Felipe Torres Roa (AAD)
What We Talk About When We Talk About Design Vol. 1: Mexico.
Travis Kennedy (HP)
Halley Ramos (HP)
In search of the “Golden Stain of Time”- A documentary investigation into Ruskin, Viollet-le-Duc and the long-term effects of Restoration on the Built Environment
Etsegenet Kebede (HP)
Tracing the Pilgrimage Routes of Lalibela
Jarrett Ley (CCCP)
The Near Death of Zaoura: Spectacles of Simulation in the Golan Heights
Ruoran Lin (UP)
Makerspace: Make Space for Changing The Tech-oriented Economic Development and Urban Environment of Huaqiangbei, Shenzhen
Siri Olson (HP)
Brutalism and Bricks: A Robin Hood Gardens Fragment at the 2018 Biennale Architettura
Abraham Murrell (M.Arch)
Edward Palka (M.Arch)
(Hyper) Critical Regionalism: Understanding The Relationship Between Vernacular & Contemporary Building Techniques In Rwanda
Eric Pietraszkiewicz (UP)
Wesley Rhodes (UP)
Defying Day Zero: Mapping ancillary water infrastructures in drought stricken Cape Town
Gabriel Ruiz-Larrea (CCCP)
An Archaeology Of Containment: Exhuming the perpetual architectures and territories of nuclear waste
Pranita Shetty (RED)
Roong Wongsmith (RED)
Tech, City Ecosystem
Linda Schilling (AUD)
Scheherazade’s tale: The many lives of Aqaba, Jordan
Xingjian Shi (AAD)
Haodi Zhang (AAD)
Cyber Homeless: Spatial Pursuit Over Japanese Hidden Refugees
Ranitri Weerasuriya (M.Arch)
A ‘Downtown’ for Colombo: The Geopolitics of Sri Lankan Urbanization
Ronald Yeung (M.Arch)
Double Exposure: Military & Tourism on Mount Hermon
Taylor Zanke (M.Arch, RED)
A Building Depository: New Temporal Accumulation of Subject Matter, Material and Memory.